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Teeth Whitening
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dental Veneers
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dental Implants
Orthodontics (Dental Braces)
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dr.Magesh dentist
Dental Bridges
Dr.Magesh dentist
Brushing Techniques

Dental implants enables one to have fixed/permanent teeth, it is a manmade replacement of natural teeth .Dental implant is different from transplant i.e. taken from other people. We decide the type of implant for each patient as each one has different requirement and condition of teeth. The first step in a dental implant is to take an x-ray which gives us a clear picture of the number of bones left in the mouth, after that we decide the type of transplant to be done.



Orthodontic Treatments (Dental Braces) is a way of straightening or moving teeth, to improve the appearance of the teeth and smile. Many people have crowded or crooked teeth or spacing between the teeth or misaligned teeth or some may have disproportionate upper and lower jaw. So orthodontic treatment will to correct all the problem related to the alignment of your teeth and give you a good smile for your life.



Dental bridges are a substitute to conventional dentures which were removable. Dental bridges also called poetics are permanent and are used in place of missing tooth.

They fill the gap created by the missing teeth which in turn reduces dental problems, gum diseases and tooth drift. Dental bridges are false teeth and are anchored to teeth with metal bands which are held by resin/cement.

The material used for making bridges is porcelain, sometimes gold is also used along with metal.



Dentures are false teeth and are constructed by us to replace the missing tooth. Dentures take support of surrounding soft as well as hard tissues of the oral cavity. The conventional dentures were removable but now we use dentures of different designs. There are two type of dentures, firstly dentures which replace missing teeth on maxillary arch and secondly dentures replacing missing teeth on the mandibular arch.



Dental Crown

Dr.Magesh dentist

Veneers are very thin life wafer which are bonded on to the teeth which improves the appearance of the teeth. We make veneers of porcelain, ceramic and composite. Veneers are used to:-

Correct, discolored teeth, misaligned teeth, worn out enamel

Veneers are best suited for those who like to improve the aesthetics of their teeth. They look healthy and natural and require very less preparation of the teeth. The enamel is reduced and an impression of the teeth is taken which is then sent to the lab where the veneer is prepared. The thickness of the veneer is exactly the same, to the amount of enamel reduced. They look very natural as its color matches with the natural teeth color.



Teeth whitening treatment removes stains that stick on the enamel, it is called a bleaching process done to get white teeth and get rid of discoloration of teeth. Teeth whitening can be done at home by buying over the counter products some prefer to get their teeth bleached at the dental clinic and a few go for cosmetic treatment. Whitening is not a permanent treatment and requires a lot of after care and maintenance of oral hygiene.


Eating Habits - Taking beverages such as oranges, colas which have a deep color discolors the teeth, intake of tea, coffee, red wine etc .Intake of citrus fruits, vinegar leads in discoloring of teeth after some time and erosion of the enamel.

Age - Teeth get darker by age


Teeth Grinding makes the edges of the teeth dark

Intake of Drugs / Chemicals when the teeth are in the formation stage causes discoloring of teeth.






Teeth Cleaning

Crown covers the teeth and it works like a cap for the teeth, restoring the shape and size of the teeth. Crowns strengthen the teeth and improve one’s appearance. Crowns are cemented over gum line making the teeth invisible. We make crowns of different materials such as:-

Metals, fusion of porcelain as well as metal, all resin, temporary and permanent crowns, porcelain crowns.

Metal Crowns â€“we use alloys of gold, nickel, and palladium. These metals are strong and the main advantage is, less teeth reduction is required .Moreover the adjacent teeth reduction is also minimum. They are best suited for molars as they have a disadvantage of color.

Porcelian and Metal

The color of the crown matches with the color of the teeth. Such crowns look good like our natural teeth but there are chances of cracking/chipping off. These crowns are well suited for front as well as back teeth.

All Resin

These crowns are not so costly but do not last for a long time.

Porcelain / Ceramic

These crowns look like the natural teeth as their color matches with the natural teeth color. Some people are allergic to metal crowns and so they go for porcelain crowns.

Temporary and Permanent Crowns

Temporary crowns are made of stainless steel and are made in the dental clinic, whereas permanent crowns are made by special order in a laboratory. We make our patients wear temporary crowns till the time their permanent crown gets ready.

We recommend everyone to go for teeth scaling as it cleans the teeth. Our teeth require cleaning after a fixed interval .The cleaning helps in removing tarter, food particles (which get deposited between the teeth as well as between the teeth and the gums), external stains which cannot be removed while brushing. Scaling helps in maintaining teeth .If oral hygiene is not kept, their will be problems such as tooth loss, unhealthy gums. Scaling is a simple procedure and is done without any anesthesia.


Brushing teeth is very important as it helps to keep our teeth / gums healthy. Brushing cleans up the dirt/ food particles between the teeth and the gums .Brushing should be soft for the gums and firm so that the dirt is properly removed. We explain the brushing techniques to all our patients and tell them to brush their teeth 2 times a day .Proper brushing reduces the risk of cavity formation, infection etc.

There are 2 techniques of brushing teeth i.e. bass method and fone’s methods of brushing. Bass technique is used for the adults and fone’s technique is for children.

Bass technique is for day to day use; in this technique the brush is placed at 45 degree towards the long axis of our teeth. The bristles clean the area between gums and the teeth, between two teeth. After this brushing with front and back strokes is done accompanied with vibratory action. Posterior, anterior strokes are used to clean up the eating surface.

Fone’s technique is very useful and effective for children. Brush is placed 90 degree on the outer surface. The teeth are kept close and rotary action of brushing is followed which helps to clean the teeth. This technique is very easy to follow.



Smile makeover
Dr.Magesh dentist

Our Doctor specializes in smile makeover as it is the part of cosmetic dentistry. The results are very dramatic and hard to believe. This treatment varies from person to person as personnel expectations vary and the condition of the teeth also varies. Smile makeover involves various individual procedures such as teeth whitening and straightening of teeth, teeth replacement, repairing teeth, dental bonding, veneers etc .Smile makeover is often called as an extreme makeover. It boosts one’s self confidence and makes a person look better with an attractive smile.



Laser Dentistry
Dr.Magesh dentist

We have a well trained staff which performs treatments using laser technique. It is an effective technique but it requires personnel skill of the dentist. The dentist should be able to control the exposure of laser on the teeth as well as on the gums. A controlled power output has to be maintained by the dentist so that the surrounding tissues are not damaged. We have performed various treatments using laser and all of them have shown positive results and feedback.



Oral Surgery
Dr.Magesh dentist

This branch of dentistry deals in detecting and surgically treating diseases, injuries, defects in the jaws, face, mouth etc. This includes

  • Dental implants

  • Biopsy

  • Removing decayed teeth

  • Removing cysts/tumors in jaw, mouth

  • Treating of facial trauma

  • Jaw reconstruction



Pediatric dentistry

Dr.Magesh dentist

We have a specialized team who attend only the children (infants, children, adolescent).Our doctors study the child psychology, growth and development before starting the treatment. Children normally face problems such as cavity, malocclusion, tooth decay, crooked teeth, emergency care etc.



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